Questions from Homeowners: Help! I Have Black Spots Under My Carpet Pad!

We recently got this message from a concerned homeowner:

“Hi Virgin Carpets team! I just pulled up some old carpet and noticed some black spots under my carpet pad. Should I be concerned?” -Ashley S.

If you’ve just discovered black spots under your carpet pad, you don’t need to panic! This is a common experience for many homeowners. Black spots under the carpet pad are often easily treated and do not always signify a more serious issue.

In this guide by Virgin Carpets and Flooring, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to address black spots. Removing black spots under the carpet pad can be a challenge, but with this guide, you can navigate this process like a pro!

Why Do Black Spots Happen?

There are several reasons why black spots might form under the carpet pad. The most common reason is that remnants of glue or rubber from the old carpet have been left behind and have started to blacken over time.

Sometimes water stains can form after a carpet has been shampooed. Another possibility is that mold or mildew has begun to grow on the surface, which will leave black spots behind.

Identifying the Black Spots

Here’s a quick way to identify the origin of those pesky little black spots.

  • Mold or mildew spots: If you notice that the spots have a moist sheen on them, then it’s likely that you’re dealing with mold or mildew. Mold will also have a distinctive smell, which will be noticeable if you get close to the spots.
  • Glue or rubber spots: If the black spots are raised and have a hard, rubbery texture, they are likely caused by glue or rubber from the old carpet.

Once you’ve identified the cause of the black spots, it’s time to start removing them!

Black Spot Removal

Here are some steps to take if you’re experiencing black spots under your carpet pad.

Glue or Rubber Spots

If the black spots are caused by glue or rubber, you can remove them using a few simple steps:

  1. First, we recommend homeowners always put on a mask, gloves, and safety glasses before beginning any kind of cleaning process.
  2. Try to scrape off as much of the glue or rubber as possible using a scraping tool. Be careful not to damage your flooring in the process.
  3. Next, use an enzymatic cleaner to break down the remaining adhesive. This type of cleaner is available at most home improvement stores.
  4. Finally, use a wet vacuum to clean up the remaining adhesive and moisture.

Mold or Mildew Spots

If the black spots are caused by mold or mildew, you’ll need to take a different approach to removal. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. First, remove as much of the mold or mildew as possible using a stiff brush or broom. As always make sure to wear gloves and safety glasses during this process!
  2. Next, mix one part bleach with nine parts water and apply it to the affected area. Let the solution sit for about 15 minutes before cleaning it up with a wet wash cloth.
  3. Make sure to dry the area completely after cleaning it up to prevent any further mold or mildew growth.
  4. Find the source of the moisture such as a leaky roof or window and address it immediately to prevent future black spot growth.
  5. Sanding the surface may be necessary if you plan on refinishing wood flooring underneath the carpet pad.

If you find that black mold growth is extensive, it might be best to contact a professional mold remediation company. You don’t want to risk your health by trying to remove large amounts of black mold on your own!

Leave Carpet Installation to the Pros at Virgin Carpets and Flooring!

black spots under carpet

When it comes to installing new carpet, leave it to the experts at Virgin Carpets and Flooring. We have decades of experience in the industry and can ensure a quick, seamless installation process.

Call us today at 412-653-3424 to get started on your flooring journey or use our online form to setup a free consultation and measurement!